

We use a powerful combination of advance digital techniques, intelligent performance analytics and a multitude of tools to boost your brand reach and ensure your business gets exposure to the huge digital audience that awaits you.

search advertising

Search advertising is a great way to attract potential customers to your website. When your target audience is searching for products or services similar to those offered by your business, it puts your company’s name out there in front.

Search engines can yield millions of organic results in response to a single search term, but through paid search advertising we can ensure that your website stands out from the crowd, with premium positioning to ensure that users navigate to your site.
Once we’ve fully understood the complexities of your business,including your offer, your goals and your competitors, we will develop a strategic plan. This will include a list of targeted search terms designed to drive the highest number of potential customers to your

display advertising

Display advertising allows you to deliver campaigns to the most relevant environments for your target audience. With over four million websites in our display network, publicising your products or services through display ads is the perfect way to get your brand recognised by potential customers.

There are three ways to target customers through our display network:


The expert technical advisors at Alchemy Studios will ensure that your business enjoys a smooth transition into digital advertising and the advanced capabilities that come with it. Our dedicated, friendly consultants are always available for a chat, and we are happy to answer your questions at any time.

Transparency is key to the way we work. We supply our clients with regular reports so they can track performance at any stage of their campaign. Our data scientists also provide extensive mid and end-of-campaign analysis, letting you know what’s working and what isn’t. This valuable information, showing the performance of campaigns across thousands of different data points, helps you gain unique insight into your audience so you can make informed decisions on all future marketing activity.