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The power of video advertising in 15 awesome facts

The power of video advertising in 15 awesome facts


As the internet officially enters the age of video, let’s take a look at some of the key stats that are making video such a method of choice for digital marketers.


  1. Consumers are much more likely to share (39%), comment (36%), and “like” (56%) content if it’s video.


  1. Over 1 billion videos are shared on social media every day.


  1. Emails with the word “video” in their subject lines are opened 19% more often.


  1. Video click-throughs are 41% higher than plain text results.


  1. A majority (82%) of marketers relate that video has had a positive impact on their business.


  1. 60% of website visitors will watch a video if available.


  1. Embedded videos on sites boost traffic by up to 55%.


  1. A video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.


  1. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.


  1. Despite their interruptive nature, viewers consider in-roll video ads on platforms like YouTube to provide good exchange value for free content.



  1. A majority of consumers want brands to incorporate videos into their marketing strategies.


  1. 4x as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.


  1. Consumers who view a video are 174% more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t.


  1. Video accounts for 50% of traffic on mobile.


  1. Billions of videos are watched on social media everyday (on Snapchat alone it’s 10 billion per day!).


So those are the stats, and they’re pretty conclusive. Video is going to massively boost traffic, drive consumer engagement, and build your brand’s reputation.


So why is video so powerful?


Processing emotion


Our brains process video content much more quickly than written content and it stands to reason that we are more likely to select content that is easier to take in.


Video is better at appealing to our emotions and getting us to feel than reading which is a more intellectual task. And, as we’re constantly reminded, emotions sell.


Video demonstrates authority

Video also lends an air of authority to your brand. People intrinsically understand that it takes time, resources (both creative and technical), and money to make high quality videos. Therefor they see your brand as having the resources needed to produce video content and that imbues you with a certain degree of authority in their mind.


Video is proven to boost your brand’s reputation, improve consumer engagement, and provide greater revenue opportunities for small and medium sized businesses.


Has video marketing helped your brand? Let us know in the comments section below.

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